Aida Intima makes the pH of the vagina more fertile and increases the chances of male fetus fertility, and is used to treat fungal infections and accelerate the delivery process.
Aida Intima is a specially formulated solution for cleaning the vagina and is effective for eliminating physiological or pathological secretions, especially the protein that accumulates in it. This product helps in the proper treatment of topical fungal vaginitis with excessive discharge because it cleans the vaginal mucosa directly and creates a clean surface for the subsequent intravaginal treatment to work effectively. In addition, due to having a special applicator, it makes cleaning the vagina easy and safe for the user. The increase in collagen in this formula strengthens the walls of the vagina, improves laxity, increases glycogen and improves the ability of cells to create lubrication. Collagen also
strengthens the supporting muscles of the urethra, which improves incontinence.
On the other hand, the Aida Intima vaginal douche, with its high viscosity, increases the strength of male sperm.
Aida Intima helps in the treatment of ‘Candida vulvaginitis’ caused by Candida albicans, and increases the chances of conceiving a boy.